Empowering Guide Parenting


How to turn the teenage years into the most fulfilling & rewarding time for you as a family

This Masterclass is for parents who want to take action

Find out about proven parenting approaches to form a deep connection with your teenager, even though they are developing their independent identity and are inclined to spend less time with you.

In this Masterclass, you will learn:

3 secrets that are going to revolutionise the way you think about teenage parenting and how achievable it is to develop a great connection with your teenager

... even if you find this challenging at the moment.


The first secret is that trying to balance what you want your child to do (on the one side), with a focus on their needs (on the other side), is not the best approach. The better approach is to integrate the task focus with the needs focus. The 2 goals are not mutually exclusive, it’s not either or.

We will help you with this integration by giving you the tools to fully accommodate the tasks and the needs of your teenager, empowering-you-to-empower-them to develop into confident kids who achieve academic success, have better social skills, and are more capable at problem solving.


The second secret is that your teenager wants to stay connected, but also has an internal need and drive to form an independent identity. The changes happening in your teenager’s life are natural, and it requires a very specific response from you.

The magic happens when you as a parent understand and align with the changes in bio-psychosocial needs in your teenager’s life.


The third secret is that there’s a simple way to turn negative communication into positive communication, so that your teenager is not experiencing your interaction as critique or as instructive, but as nurturing and empowering.

The Empowering Guide Method will help you to effortlessly rephrase your communication into positive and uplifting experiences.

Who is this masterclass for?


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"My child is not a teenager yet and so far I’ve got a great relationship", or

"It’s too late as my teenager is already emotionally distant".

These limiting beliefs are preventing you from taking action. The statistics are undeniable - children are less inclined to confide in their parents, but the situation is reversible.


The time to act is now!

It’s never too early to start putting the foundation in place to ensure a smooth transition from the pre-teen years to adolescence. And it’s never too late to re-establish a deep connection, even though you might feel that time is already slipping away.

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Empowering Guide Parenting will show you exactly how to empower your teenager, and how to guide them to become the best version of themselves.

We will give you a step-by-step model for being the best possible parent you could be for your teenager.


Your parenting approach will align with the changed needs of your teenager.

You will be able to naturally and openly interact with your teen in such a way that your relationship is strengthened and your teenager will want to connect with you.

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Parent Feedback

"The course was recommended by a friend and as I have 2 boys, aged 13 and 15, I found it timely, relevant and invaluable in my personal journey as a parent. The course, being online enabled me to manage my work commitments and I loved the opportunity to network with other parents from around the globe and hear about some of the challenges they have. Being a mother raising two boys, I loved that the facilitators were fathers, as often I could see a different perspective on how to manage or approach a situation. The reading and information available as part of the program is a good support to the online content which helps with reflection. In my journey as a parent, taking time to invest, reflect and learn is invaluable and I would recommend it to any parent as part of their journey."


Kellyville, Australia

"The Empowering Guide Parenting Course was a huge benefit to my family and I. This course was insightful and opened up a new way of thinking when interacting with my children. I found the information presented both valuable and reputable, and I learnt how to develop my parenting skills and foster meaningful relationships with my children. I really enjoyed working with the instructors Thys and Peter, who are down-to-earth and have put their heart and soul into this program to help other parents. I want to thank you both for taking me on this journey!"


Sydney, Australia

"Thank you @Thys and @Pieter, the course is truly awesome. My prayers are that many families will find healing and restoration through this course and go forward as thriving healthy families, that in turn will grow into wonderfully life giving communities! You have done an outstanding job with the content and structure of this course, and we are already reaping the fruit of it in our own home".


Struisbaai, South Africa

"Even though our 3 children are pre-teens, we wanted to proactively create a home environment where the children will have a warm open connection with us when they become teens. Thys & Pieter from Relations Clinic gave us the science, the framework and the tools to build that home before it’s too late. It feels like they gave us the essential driver safety training before we hit the highway. The course should be mandatory before anyone is allowed a teenager in the house. Not only do we feel ready to avoid all the mistakes, but we now believe that the teenage years will be the best years of our lives. Bring it on!"


Turramurra, Australia

Empowering Guide Parenting podcast

Why should I attend the Empowering Guide Parenting masterclass?

  • The Empowering Guide Method is a robust and proven framework to:

    Understand the changes taking place in your teenager

    Knowing & understanding how to be the best parent, and

    Understanding how the changes impact on the way we interact and relate to our teenagers

  • During our upcoming masterclass we’ll talk about the framework that will enable you to transition from pre-teen parenting to best-in-class teenage parenting. If you click the link, you can join our free masterclass where we will help you to get started in tackling those challenging issues one by one.

  • Empowering Guide Parenting is a hands-on, practical approach. We’re always here to help and we’ve achieved amazing results for parents just like you who are struggling with the overwhelming challenges of teenage parenting.

A note from Thys & Pieter

... your personal guides to proven, evidence-based parenting solutions that restore connections and give deep and rewarding relationship outcomes

This brand new Masterclass is the culmination of our years of study and experience in helping parents to find practical and achievable ways to develop and establish deep and rewarding relationships with their children, from pre-teen, through adolescence, and into adulthood.

We are seriously excited to teach you this stuff. This is your chance to maintain the great relationship you have with your pre-teen into their adolescence and beyond. Or, you could restore a relationship that is already showing signs of growing thin.

This opportunity is available to you right now. You might not know the HOW, but you do need to know the WHY - if the current, future, and ongoing relationship with your children is important to you, join us in the upcoming masterclass.

I have 2 adult children who are both married, and I have a wonderfully deep and strong relationship with them. But it hasn't always been that way ...

During the end of their primary school years I found our relationship changing ... I found the strong connection that we once had slipping away.

Out of desperation I started studying psychology, focusing on child development and specifically adolescence. I also did post-grad psychology studies and during this time I ran workshops and spoke to 100s of parents about parenting solutions. This enabled me to understand the common issues, but more importantly, to find and implement the proven frameworks to either build that unbreakable connection with your teenager, or restore the connection if perhaps you already feel it slipping away.

The teenager years are supposed to be some of the most rewarding and fulfilling times for you as a family, and we have found the frameworks to ensure exactly this.

I cannot wait to see you on the inside.

Thys Basson

There's a remarkable correlation between best-in-class leadership and parenting styles, and I have been able to apply this with great success. I have 2 teenage children and I have a great relationship with both of them.

I am an organisational psychologist and have had a long career in presenting leadership development courses to senior executives. In addition, and perhaps in contrasting focus I have been doing brain profile analyses on teenagers for the last 20+ years. Working in these 2 areas, however, has given me a unique understanding of the correlation between best-in-class leadership and parenting styles.

As such, Thys and I have developed the Empowering Guide Parenting model, drawing on best-in-class frameworks and combining this with the latest in evidence-based research. The result is a proven and achievable model for parenting success.

I cannot wait for you to join the Masterclass.

Pieter Coetzee

Relations Clinic

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